Friday, October 23, 2009

Proverbs 31?

Yep, I've heard countless talks on "How To Be A Proverbs 31 Woman", and like most women...I find myself lacking. Sometimes, it turns into a great motivation to refocus on my Savior and what He's calling me to do. But, I must admit, at just discourages me and makes me wonder, "Who could do that?"

Of course, as I've aged (and I've aged a lot, I mean...I'm almost 40. LOL:-) I also have learned it was instruction to a male on what to look for in his potential mate. So, as I look at the verses...I examine successes, abilities...and my flaws as well. Sometimes, the latter is much easier to see and acknowledge, but I look at all three.

Let's see...

As far as "finding wool and flax and spinning it" (verse 13). Nope, wool makes me itch and knitting isn't my cup of tea. However, if I connect that to being useful and working hard...I think I've got that one.

"Preparing breakfast for my household" (verse 15) isn't my cup of tea either, but I do make sure Jasper, my cat, has food..most mornings at least. I do wake before dawn...the joy of being a teacher.

"Lamp burning late into the night"(verse 18)...well, nope...I'm a morning person and find my students are much better taught if I've had at least 7 hours of sleep...eight preferably.

All the verses about my husband? Well, I've not met him yet, at least I don't believe I have. I hope, if God wills, to one day be a wife a husband would trust and that I would enrich his life. However, as I continue to start each new year as a single woman...I try to leave that desire at God's altar. However, I must admit I pick it up a few times through the year.

As for the children. I don't clothe them, but I do make sure my students have on warm clothes (verse 21) for cold recesses. And if "her children" could be replaced with "her students", then they do stand and bless me...I mean what a blessing to have the love note on my desk that declares that "Miss P is the best techer in the werld."

But there's no question about verse 22b..."She dresses in...purple...". My students have come to expect me to, at least one day a week, wear purple. And, I find some days I put on my purple fuzzy socks just to make them smile or laugh. So, that verse is how I determined my's the one part of the chapter that I have covered in spades!

So, as I end my first can decide if this was priceless, peculiar, or petty...or possibly a mixture of all three.

Dear Lord,
How I strive to be a woman of noble character that you would be glorified through my thoughts, words, and actions. Help me not to be so wrapped up in imitating the "ideal" found in Proverbs 31 that I miss the bigger picture of simply being the woman you've created me to be. Thank you for my successes and my flaws as well...and the lessons you teach me through them all. You, my Precious Savior, are worthy of praise, and I love you.
Jodi Lea


  1. Jodi-- I am so excited to be able to follower your blog. You are such a sweet blessing and I am excited for whatever God has in store for this blogging opportunity! May God always receive all the Glory!

    I love you friend

  2. Ps I just added you to my list of "favorites"

  3. I love reading blogs and am excited to see one you've done! You have a kind and generous heart and are such a Godly woman...I know that I will learn from your blog as I learn from you every time we talk. Have a wonderful, blessed day!

  4. Jodi--I'm excited to keep up with your blog :)

    What a great first entry!
